Black Girls Workout TOO

59 members $10,888.43 won 274.7 lbs


08/16/2019 8:14PM
Heyyyy ladies!

KayTastik likes this comment.


04/16/2018 5:58AM
Good Morning. I just started my first DietBet. Please feel free to join me and let's start motivating each other and get moving. Join me in making better lifestyle choices and dropping these pounds

KayTastik likes this comment.

She Ran Herself FIT

02/07/2018 10:26AM
  • Hey there. I am hosting a DietBet and I want you all to join. My last DietBet paid out $61.25 last month. The name of my next DietBet is "Commit To Being FIT! with SRHF" (She Ran Herself FIT!) and it starts Feb. 12th. I would love for you all to join me on this quest to lose another 4%. -or-

    Also...I have a fitness line of clothing. Please go check me out at and follow me on IG @SheRanHerselfFIT

KayTastik likes this photo.


10/18/2017 10:26AM
Our game has just started Its called "Scrambled Legs & Achin'" Come join us bet $20 and get that 4% off in 4 weeks!! You still have plenty of time to join a supportive, motivational game with some amazing people! We are 4 months strong and not stopping there! 4% is enough to push yourself in the right direction and get that weightloss journey on a downward slope as in the weight going down!!!! We have prizes!!!!!!!! I love motivating and want to make the game more fun and personal and motivating...Invite your friends!!

Korene S.

07/17/2017 4:35PM
Back at it again!!!! Just joined my first transformers and my 8th-10th kickstarter.


04/02/2017 1:41AM

Luvllay and Msreeta like this photo.


04/02/2017 1:40AM
Hello Queens !
I've created a diet bet Kings & Queens Under Construction ... it starts 4/17 lets spring into fitness ! 😘


03/15/2017 11:02AM
(I did post this same question in another community if you have any advice I would love to hear it.)
Hey Ladies! I just joined my first dietbet, I am super excited and hope this is the kick I need to really follower through on finally becoming the best me that I can be.

I have one issue though, I am a live in Caregiver for 3 to 4 days out of the week so though I can control my eating habits (really hard because my client loves fattening food and loves the way I cook) I will not be able to workout for those 3 to 4 days.

Any advice?


I suggest you meal prep ... and treat your self once every two weeks to a meal that you desire ( don't go over board) and your days off you have to go hard on your workouts .

Korene S.

11/16/2016 5:00AM
Won my 6th dietbet, I am so glad that I took the leap and started betting. It has been a great motivation.

Paula likes this comment.

Korene S.

10/24/2016 8:16AM
Because of so many festivities, my daughter turning 16, my eating over the weekend went downhill. 12 more says until my first game ends. Time to buckle down.