Binge Behavior

Laura D.

01/19/2017 9:11AM
First of all, we've all been there before and will probably be there again at some point. Stand up, dust yourself off, try to think about what you could do to avoid it next time. No use dwelling in the past, unless you have a time machine laying around.Some ideas/strategies that have helped me:-try to avoid keeping those kind of foods in the house - can't binge if it's not there; -if you do buy it get a small amount. For me that means no more buying the 1 lb bag of tortilla chips from costco even though they're really good and SO CHEAP.-If you're going to eat it measure out a portion, put everything away, enter it (if you track food like me), and THEN eat. Sure you can always go back for more but you've already set a limit, it might satisfy a craving, and will make you think about how much damage round 2 might do before it's too late.-figure out healthier alternatives that you enjoy and keep them on hand. Instead of chips/dip I try to have baby carrots and dip. Bonus point if you can find a relatively healthful dip (I like hummus and salsa - yes, salsa on carrots, lol). -eat with intention - try to honestly evaluate why you are eating, Are you stressed or bored? Maybe you're legitimately hungry. When I get 'snacky' but I know I'm close to my calorie limit I'll often drink a big glass of water and wait 15 minutes. If I'm still honestly hungry I'll eat. -always drink water before/during eating - it will make you feel fuller faster and can slow down your eatingAnyway, th

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