I am amazed that I am still walking over 10,000 steps a day! But my legs do ache. Maybe hurt is too strong. It's that ache you get when you over extended yourself. It's also that good feeling ache you get when you know you are not inshape, but you are at least attempting to get into shape.

It's a good ache.

Now I hope that 10,000 steps over my base of 2,500 steps really does amount to a pound loss a week! I was between dietbets for 10 days and well POOH! i gained back a couple of pounds! AND my goal was to be 10 pounds below my weight out weight by the end of June or staring July! That means I need to lose 12 pounds (for me - not dietbet - they say just 8 pounds) So I walk. And I walk. And you know what? I am gonna walk some more. in just a few minutes.

My legs ache, but it's a good ache.