Halfway Done My First DB and 100% To My Goal!

Emily F.

06/10/2015 2:33PM
Great job! My first Kickstarter was easy and I think I probably reached my goal then about as early as you have! This is my second Kickstarter (along with another and a Transformer) and it's not as quick this time, but I'm still working hard and right now I'm at 48%. Right around where I should be, but it's still making me nervous! I totally understand losing weight over again. I've lost 30-40 about 3 times before! Definitely frustrating to put it back on, but I know those were really stressful times too. My husband is being very supportive as well. He washes all the dishes after I do the cooking, and he's very glad to be eating healthier and working out again too. It's great to have that support! Congrats again on your great work!

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-10.8 lbs



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