I finally stepped on the scale the other day. 296.6 pounds. Just turned 49. I've definitely been going in the wrong direction for a while.

I came across DietBet on the internet and was immediately intrigued. You are the one in charge of your health. You lose x pounds by x date by whatever means you can (except for the bad ways such as purging, dehydration, etc.) and you get a cash reward. Oh, and you also don't lose your investment. The NOT losing is a much bigger motivation than actually winning for me. Although, even if you don't make the bet, you can still lose some weight and come out ahead so it's like a little consolation prize.

So I signed up right away for the $100 high stakes one month game.

I've never actually dieted to lose weight before. So why start now? I'm making healthy decisions based on the vast information out there and weighing myself to see what's working. I don't consider that a "diet."

I weighed myself two days into it - down almost 6 pounds! Are you kidding? I hear the weight drops off quickly at first then it gets more difficult.

Previously my diet was horrible. There were days that three times a day I ate fast food. And the cheap cookies from the convenient store. Horrible.

So I said no more of that nonsense. Trader Joe's has some really good, healthy pre-prepared foods. I loaded up on'em. I read somewhere to have lots of fruit on hand. So now I'm snacking with bananas, apples, melon. No more junk food. Other meals are sandwiches, chicken breast. I've even got into quinoa. I actually like it. Who knew?

I'm tracking all of the food with the Lose It! app. I'm sure the calories aren't all perfectly accurate. But the important thing is being accountable. Entering all food that passes my lips forces accountabilty. If I know I would have to enter that entire sleeve of fig newtons into Lose It!, I would feel horribly ashamed. No more cookie buying expeditions. No temptations to keep around, no bad feelings of deprivation - so far at least.

The most difficult part so far has been mild hunger. When that comes on I wait on it to see if it's real hunger or old bad habits calling for attention. When I realize the hunger is real I reach for the fruit.

I satisfy my sugar craving with dried mango. Yum. A couple pieces of that, and sugar craving is gone.

Now for exercise. I actually enjoy exercising. I already belong to a gym, so the plan is to go and do weights 3 times per week. Tu, TH and either Sat or Sun. Previously I had gone twice per week so this is no big change. I am also ramping up some cardio. I get on the home elliptical once or twice a week, walk the dogs more. If it ever stops raining I'd like to go out to play tennis.

If you've read this far, congratulations. That means you must be really motivated to do this. I wish you the best and appreciate any input you may have. Don't forget to have fun!