It seems like I am continually assaulted with temptations to overeat, eat junk food, etc. The office gave out free snow cones. About 5 co-workers asked me if I got mine already. I politetly declined. Then my friend wanted to go out to dinner at a Chinese buffet. That was a toughie. I ate a bowl of wonton soup and waited a couple minutes then went for some sushi. Then some more sushi. Waited a couple more minutes and had some sort of hibachi chicken dish with a little rice. Finally I was satisfied. Est. calories for the meal is 1,000. Total for the day 2,000. At 6'4" and 290 lbs I supposedly can net 3,000 calories per day so there should not be any bad consequences. Slight .8 pound gain over yesterday which I attribute to the salty meal, and the muscles I built from the day before.
I did a 20 minute walk this morning, and hit the gym again tonight.