Ok - Day 2 is here...

After jumping on the Dietbet bandwagon yesterday I was so excited.  I signed up & told myself to just let go of any fears & do this...really do this!  So I did...

I went home & got my scale out & prepared for my weigh in submission picture...UUGGHH!!!  Just the thought of getting on the scale gave me nervous stomach & anxiety...for 2 reasons.  Reason #1 - to see myself in that "airport attire".  I am a "cover upper"...I was motified.  Don't get me wrong, I know exactly the size I am, but my worst enemy is my mind.  Reason #2 - the number...it is very overwhelming to see a # (let's face it...it wasn't a small #) and know that the road you are about to travel on is a long one...

BUT...I took a deep breath & said...every road travelled starts with one step.  I reassured myself that it was ok to be embarrassed about my weight & size.  I am looking to better myself...that was the only thing important right now -- everything else will fall into place (I hope...lol).

SO...with this little spring in my step, I marched my big ass downstairs & got on my treadmill & did 30 minutes of walking...I sweat my ass off & felt great after...

I write this as a confiramtion & a big pat on the back to myself...As sad as this is, I need that constant motivation to keep me positive & going...

To all of you that share any of my feelings, thoughts - pls reach out...I am here for support & to be supportive...  GO DAY 2...

Have a great day everyone:  LAUGH. LOVE & SMILE...everything else will fall into place...
