Day 4 -- First off, some accomplishments to acknowledge. 

First - that we made it through this work week - whoo hoo.  Secondly, since jumping into this game, I (along with many of you) have worked out each night & kept on track - TOOT TOOT (that's the sound of me a rooty toot tooting my own - It is comforting to meet so many other women & men that are just like me...fighting the same fears, dealing with the same apprehensions.  I commend each of you that have put yourself out there -- it isn't, WELL DONE EVERYONE!

I thank each of you who has helped me this week...I sound like a broken record but without the support, I know I couldn't keep going strong.  I am having a blast...

Going into the weekend, like many others, I'm a wee bit nervous.  I may be out of familar surroundings which will be a struggle but as Lisa's post so perfectly stated...this is going to happen...its what you do next.  Thanks Lisa for being the leader of this game & continuing to be a strong influentual, intelligent & wickedly funny lady!

LAUGH, LOVE & SMILE...the rest will take care of itself....

Have a great weekend, BE KIND to YOURSELF & others...
