Day 9 -- Feeling on top of the world...

Postive changes are happening & results are showing.  Hardwork, determination & dedication are paying off...I am down 5 lbs as of this morning from Tuesday last week when I started. 

I will take this victory & do a lap or two with it...I will celebrate, not by rewarding myself with food, but with praise because I am worth every one of those 5 lbs I've lost...OK & maybe a new pair of shoes this

I hope everyone is having the success & happiness that I am so far.   I realize that my immediate loss may come to an end or a "plateau" but baby steps - right?  Take small pleasures in small treasures!

Again - thanks to all of you for your support, positive comments, feedback & tips...It takes a village & I am so glad that I decided to move into this one...

Have a fantastic day!  LAUGH, LOVE & SMILE...the rest will take care of kind to yourself & others!
