Day 17 - Target achieved...Holy MOLY!

Well friends...I'm doing it.  I jumped into this with full commitment to making a change in my lifestyle.  I have worked hard & stayed focused to achieve such great results...

Today, I got onto that menacing scale this morning & sure as shit (pardon the foul mouth) it read 10.7lbs less than it did Sept 8th...I was floored!  I turned the scale off...turned it on again & got back on...same #.  I turned it off, picked it up & shook it (YES - I actually shook it).  Got back on & again, same #.  I was now satisfied that it was correct.

I have never been more proud of myself...MYSELF being the key in that sentence.  I have not shared what I am doing with anyone but my family here on Dietbet.  I was so very afraid & shamed that I would be a failure & then go through the "beat myself up" mentality cycle that I usually face.  I finally shared with a few co-workers today & felt so proud (although, I still felt kinda bad for bragging)...but I think I might like to get used to having attention on me...

This time things are different.  I threw caution to the wind & said, "I'm going for it - FOR ME", I'm doing it - FOR ME. 

I now know that the only approval I need is mine & that I can only do this for me & any other way would be completely not self rewarding. 

I'm not sure if this feeling will last but I do know that in a very short time & with a great conscious effort, I have made a lifestyle choice & actions that have turned me around both mentally & physically.  I will strive to continue to move forward & take it one step at a time.  I am the turtle!  Slow & steady!!

I will also give back encouragement, advice, and an ear & always support.  Without the support, I know I couldn't have made the progress I have.  Many of you have helped whether you know it or not...through words, pictures, advice & posts...

I again am humbled.  I will take this small, great victory today & use it as further motivation.  If anyone who reads this doubts that they can't or are not worth it -- Message me& I will give you my cell #...we can chat.  I was a HUGE skeptic & am slowly not buying the bullshit anymore...

Thank you for allowing me to get my thoughts out & work through this by writing them is very therapeutic...

LAUGH, LOVE & SMILE...the rest will take care of itself...BE KIND to YOURSELF & OTHERS!!
