Day 22 - New found respect for the Elliptical & all that use it...

OMG...OMG!!!  Anyone that uses this machine, I tip my hat, I bow down, I salute you & commend you!!!

I had no idea it would be so difficult...I won't even say how long I lasted because I would just embarrass myself...needless to say, I didn’t break any records (unless shortest time possible is a record)...LOL

At one point I caught myself yelling out loud, "Holy SHIT, my lungs are going to explode"...

BUT...on the positive -- cause we always gotta put a positive spin on things to make it enjoyable & want to continue & NOT get discouraged...I attempted it, I realize it is a challenge & I accept this new will be a slow (I'm talking slow as a slug) process but again, I have broken my comfort & expanded myself...

Thanks for all the encouragement & for checking on me...I appreciate the support as always...Onward & upward!

LAUGH, LOVE & SMILE...the rest will take care of itself...BE KIND to YOURSELF & OTHERS!

