Day 38 - Excited - Ecstatic – Euphoric – Exhilarated – Energized and extremely motivated!

EGADS - I feel wonderful today...that's it, that's all!

I had a rough week last week emotionally that caused me mojo to be outta line but that was so last week.  I am refocused, recharged & ready to go!

Being part of DietBet is so inspiring.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE that there are so many of us out there ready & willing to lend an ear, a helping word, a hand to support each other...that to me is the greatest motivation & so awe inspiring it makes my heart sing & cry out...

I hope that everyone, everywhere is having the same wonderful feeling that I have & if so - spread the word of support, encouragement & never know how a few kind words or moments out of your day could possibly affect someone else’ it forward!

LAUGH, LOVE & SMILE...the rest will take care of itself...BE KIND to YOURSELF & OTHERS!!
