Day 77 - Marvelous Motivational Monday

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend...I, surprisingly kept on track & continued to work hard...feels good today.

On this Monday - lets all make a pack to be good to ourselves this week & always...too many times I'm reading folks either getting down on themselves or putting themselves down.  This is a behavior we need to change - STAT! With a little encouragement, we can band together & get it done. Let’s start a chain reaction, a pay-it-forward of DietBet proportions…

We are all beautifully made...whether we are big, small, round, thin, tall, short...oh, the list could go on & on...the bottom line is...if we bleed, we all bleed the same color (unless we have aliens or maybe zombies amongst us…LOL), so it doesn't matter what our "outer shell" looks like...its what’s inside that counts...let the beauty from within come out!

For me, I had a scared little girl that had been told for years & years she was & would never amount to anything because she was fat...if you are told something for a long time - believe me you start to believe it...and I did...I let the words of others affect who I truly thought I was. I have no confidence, no self-respect, I was barely existing in any true sense...that was until I met my family here...the family that gave me the courage to be humble with my words, reach out for help when I felt low & share my feelings without remorse, guilt or embarrassment...

I had the courage on Sept 8, 2015 to change my life.  I vowed on that day to NEVER let anyone ever again make me feel horrible for being me (in all my glory)...I have stuck to that & the results are fantastic – inside & out.  I also vowed to use my voice whenever I could to help & hopefully inspire others that need the support.

I am not ever trying to preach to hope is to always make you smile & recognize that you are never alone…life is too precious to be sad, especially about self-image...WE ARE ALL BEAUTIFUL…this needs to be said over & over again!

Hold those heads up & be proud...proud of YOU (in all your glory!)...Have a marvelous Monday & a wonderful week!

LAUGH, LOVE & SMILE...the rest will take care of itself...BE KIND TO YOURSELF & OTHERS!!
