I saw this poster at the the Community Center today when I dropped off of one of the old birds who rides the bus. The thought struck me as being profound in a Zen like way. It was like crawling up the side of a mountain, finding the wise man at the top, and coming away with the secret to life. Ok, maybe not quite that profound, but it resonated in my heart. 

I have been in that position before with food. I have looked failure in the eye as I am sure everyone has. "Ok, kid, it is go time. You have been on this diet for 3 days now and suddenly somebody is offering you a donut. If you eat it you are done. Ok, ok, I can do this. Just say no. Ok, I did it."
Five minutes later the food part of your brain, the real master, starts," Hmmm...donut. Donut. Where did they put those donuts? Oh I really don't want one, do I? I wonder if that kind I like with all that stuff on it is still there? Let me go look. Ok, still there. I'm good. You know, I could eat just half and still maintain. Hell, a six mile walk would take care of those extra calories. No, I'm good."
Boom! Twenty minutes and three donuts later I feel like hell physically and  the self loathing has just begun to kick into gear.
This is what it is like for me. On the wrong day, if I were offered something like that and I knew that it was sitting around my screwed up brain would give me no peace until I become wreckage, the king of despair. 
Seeing this poster today drilled me right between the eyes. This is what normal people do. When faced with the choice of whether or not to give in they look into their heart and ask themselves, "Why did I start this in the first place?" That, my friends is rational thought. Being able to get in touch with the pain of being fat. The self contempt that weakness fuels. "Remember when you were so fat that__________________________________? We can all finish that sentence in our own way.
The time has come to allow the rational guy have a say in my future. The rational part of me needs to learn to speak first before the idiot food guy gets rolling. Will it ever be second nature? Will it ever be easy? After 63 years being crazy I think that the dignified voice in the back of my brain deserves a chance.