I decided to have a pity party for myself this 2:30 am. I don't like autoimmune diseases, they are so hateful. It's bad enough it forces you on prednisone and all other kinds of nasty things,but it strikes when it's rather inconvenient.
I generally can't do much when the $#!*! raises her ugly head but I'm TRYING to lose this weight and in training for a major (for me) race event. So, I started on the prednisone a couple of days ago and decided to reduce the dose to about 25% of what I take for a starting flare. Pain lessened somewhat but didn't go away completely like usual. Then I was watching "600 pound life" and felt really guilty for my lack of exercise the last couple of days, I decided to do a simple 20 sitting pulls on the Total Gym. Then I coughed my lungs up for the next 20 minutes ( my flares cause fluid around my lungs and heart) so much so that, well it sent my small protein shake I had for dinner back up. So back to sitting and doing nothing with pain. Therefore, I decided to throw a pity party for myself. Oh yes and I don't sleep well anyway and anybody who has taken my best friend and worst enemy pills knows they also can keep you from sleeping. Hence my 2:30 am pity party. Oh yeah, and the 2nd surgery on my hand, wrist, elbow because I am the nitwit that severed the tendon in her hand attached to the thumb when I was washing a new and very sharp knife. That 2nd surgery is next week.
After a few minutes of that I reminded myself of people so much worse off than I am and that I was totally selfish. So, unfortunately I'll be not doing exercise for a few days AND I will really really watch what I eat before the weigh in.
And to those of you that do have more severe problems and I know there are some, my apologies for feeling sorry for myself. At the moment, I just can't help myself. The pity party may go on a little longer.
Later, Denise