Eating on plan and Enjoying it


05/17/2016 2:08PM
This is great Julie! Thanks for sharing! I've done really well on low carbs in the past. wing sauce on eggs is the BEST for cravings! Kicking sugar is the key to health in my opinion. Everything else falls into place after that! At the moment I'm on low-ish carb, moderate protein, moderate fat, super low sugar . That's kinda vague, but it equates to me getting ALOT more green veggies than I did when I was low carb, and some of the higher carb veggies like carrots and green beans. I also eat some fruit (mostly berries in smoothies, but sometimes 1/2 an apple or nectarine) It feels more like a "healthy way to eat", rather than a "diet" to me, and it's feels easier to keep up. I definitely prefer to have specific (strict) guidelines and groups to eat from, rather than counting points or calories, in order to keep on-track with my eating. It just works better for me. Googling skinny english muffins NOW!! And maybe revisiting my fruit intake.... It's so good to have an inspiring team!

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I am with you JeskaJoy! I don't think it sounds vague - I would say I eat 90% clean whole foods, low carb, very low sugar,higher healthy fat and medium protein. For me, I am not willing to give up eating the rainbow - I am too keen on fully nourishing myself which I think you CAN do and still eat low sugar and low to moderate carb. I just don't have a lot of carbs at every meal and sometime I have only vegetables and a protein for a meal. Berries in my morning smoothie. Usually big salads for lunch. I do include beets, carrots, squash, sweet potato, quinoa on occasion and never all in the same day. I also find having healthy fats (love my avocado) along with flax, my homemade almond and coconut milks, etc. are key to feeling energetic and satisfied. I tried the ketosis diet but it just wasn't right for me (everyone is different) - I just need a broader range (and quantify) of veggies than that allowed. Everyone's body is different - the key is finding what works best for you!

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