I really worked hard, and I have won two of my diet bets, have lost 11lb so far. I have 90lb to go but with my diet plan, determination and more hard work, I know I can make it now.

some things I have learned -


*I am one of those people who can NOT have 'just a little bit" of something I should not (carbs/sugar)

*I really love, thrive on and enjoy the comeradery of groups.

*The more reserch I do, the better - if Im not obsessed then I will lose focus and fall on my face. Obsession can be my friend if channeled properly.

* Find what your willing to do and do it daily, EVERY day. I have found that I am willing to do yoga every morning, follow ketogenic diet, and practice intermittent fasting by only eating breakfadt and lunch each day. But I know from experience that when I waiver, by missing even  one day, I can end up going seriously off track, perhaps never even make it back on the path. So with any positive daily habit that requires energy,  I better do it every day or else I might not make it any day


good luck to all of you

from Aster