I've been dietbetting off and on since January of 2016. I've had quite a bit of success, but not without plenty of failures, setbacks, and challenges. I thought I would share the journey so far using our ugly feet* weigh in photos.
In January of 2016 I hit an all time high of 258 pounds. Suddenly the number 300 didn't look that far off and it scared the bejesus out of me (we are each on our own journey and find our own starting points and motivations. Envisioning myself reaching 300 is what motivated me)
Success at 2 months after a couple of Kickstarters!
4 months and flying high! Most successful weight loss of my life. It was incredible to drop 36ish pounds in 4 months. And win some $$ doing it!
My high (LOW!) point in July '16
And then life happened (which I talked about in another blog).
This weigh in began a series of games last fall in which my ending weight was higher than my starting weight.
And then I quit. This is roughly one year after I started dietbetting. Still down some weight, but going in the wrong direction.
Over 250 again. Not happy. Frustrated.
Finally i got my mind right and found my motivation.
And now here we are. Trying to win my 3rd Kickstarter in a row. Hoping that this time I reach my overall goal of 190 and that the changes I'm making stick. I'm not doing anything extreme or unsustainable. No extreme workouts, no crazy diets, no supplements (other than the occasional shakeology shake). Just doing the things I know will work if I keep my focus - eating less, eating healthier, avoiding my trap foods, and exercising as close to daily as I can get.
Definitely a journey. Even when documented with ugly feet.
*okay, I don't actually think I have ugly feet. I think I have good looking feet and I like my webbed toes (if you unfortunately looked closely you may have seen that). Random share - Long unwebbed toes creep me out.