My goal is to get healthy. I'm using this DietBet to help me focus on me and not all the distractions in my life.
I've been logging everything I eat since I started this DietBet. I'm weighing myself daily to see how my diet and exercise affects my body on a daily basis. Charting my weigh fluctuations will help me better understand how my choices affect my body. I've tried weighing in once a week in the past but if it happens to be one of those days when my weight is fluctuating up, I get discouraged. Seeing my weight each day and seeing that it's normal for my weight to go up a day and then back down, helps me not to be so hard on myself. Having someone tell me it's normal for weight to fluctuate means nothing to me. I have to see the proof with my own body to believe it's normal.
We should all do what we need to do to get in tune with our bodies and our habits, regardless of what others say we should be doing. What works for you may not work for me and vice versa.
I have lofty goals for next year which I hope to write about in a future blog. This time next year, if I meet my goals, I will be a much healthier and fit version of my current self. I'm getting there one step at a time.