Dear Me from June 10th 2014,

Hello again!  I can almost see you now.  I'm about 5 pounds away from you, so you're a little blurry, but I can definitely see you there.  It's been a while since we've seen each other so we've got a lot to catch up on.  Remember when we first met?  Those were the days, huh?  Our dreams were so close.  Less than 10 pounds away.  That feeling of winning and finally thinking we had total control over our life.

But then you had the idea that since we were so close to our goal, there was no hurry to get there.  Yeah, no problem, we've got time.  Our whole life in fact.  Maybe 60 years left if we're going by the average, 80 if we're really lucky and careful.  But you didn't think we needed to be that careful, did you?  Since we have so much time, why not enjoy some of our old favourite foods.  You know, the foods we cut out or limited so we could reach our goal and feel better.  Yeah, why not add some of those back?  Sure why not, we can just exercise more to compensate for- Oh... you don't want to do that anymore either?  Well, why not take a little break?  What could possibly happen?

We could ruin 6 months of work in just 3 months, that's what!  I ought to slap you for that!  Oh, you think I can't?  You think you're safe since I'm all the way over here, about 4 months and 5 pounds away from you?  Well I have news for you, missy!  I've been working my butt off (literally) so I could get back to you, tackle you to the ground, and beat you into the mid-120's weight range.  It's going to hurt, but you deserve it.

Don't make me have to go through this again.  We're better off healthy and you know it, so stop sabotaging our plan.


Me from right now