Being the youngest of two girls and always being the biggest of the two you can guess that everytime I hear the words 'I look fat' come out of sister's face I have to refrain from punching the bejesus out of her.

Growing up we were both athletic in our own way. She was the more natural runner and I was the sprinter. I played sports the longest between the both of us and multiple sports at the same time. I guess when you accidentally hit your sister in the face with a softball you hit, split her lip, and literally scare her for life you shouldn't be suprised when she stops playing that sport with you. lol. Though we were both athletic I loved food and maintained my round shape that was so fashionable at 4 but not at 14. 

So now as adults we still maintain the same physical differences. I am still the big little sister and she is still the little big sister. Though there was a period while she was pregnant when we were equal(yes, I was very happy about that fact) since then she has been slowly shrinking back to her normal small person size. This change has been to do limited physical activity, breast feeding, and still eating many things that she wants. Me, I am just over here working out most of my day, keeping a daily step goal of 14,500 steps a day, and eating better/less and I have barely changed. Frustrated party of one.....I would say I am drinking that hateraid but I can't it has to much sugar in it.

Today we go get pumpkins with my nephew and we take loads of pictures(he is 6 months we photograph EVERYTHING!). Since I have been round, but fabulous, my whole life I embrace that fact that no one ever takes a flattering picture of my round body. But that does not stop me from posting pictures....I am who I am but I am working on it. So of course little big sis complains about you can see her fat stomache. I do not know about anyone else but any time a skinny person says they look fat to me I see red and have to fight the urge to punch their lights out.

I have this reaction for two reasons.

#1 you are blessed with better genetics then I and a much better metabolism. Suck it up butter-cup be greatful God didn't bless you with my genetics.

#2 you know that crazy thing I have been doing everyday while you sit on the couch when you come home from work called exercise, um just maybe you should do some too.

Skinny people who complain about being fat need a serious life check. You sit around eating what you want and not going that extra mile that is your fault. I do not feel like I should have to listen to you complain when you aren't actively trying. I am going to try to not punch the skinny people but I am going to need the skinny people to not come to me for fat support.

Keeping it moving like always. :-)