That is such an awesome story. It's okay to not like running. I never did. My family wasn't the running type when I was a kid. I remember going for a 1 mile "run" at about 16 and hating every minute of it. I thought it was so strange, I have never experienced such negative feelings towards something before. At 20 I signed up for a one mile race (I hadn't run at all since 16). It was hard, and I hated it, but I wasn't the last person across the finish line so that was cool. At 23 I decided I wanted to run a half marathon; partly for the challenge but mostly because I, like you, wanted to like running. I still didn't. I dreaded going for my runs, but started realizing that when I was done I felt good. WHAT?!? was my plan working? Fast forward 5 years: I have done 3 half marathons and 3 tough mudders. Now I am training for my first full marathon. Do I like running? Yes. It has taken many years and many miles, but I enjoy running now. Keep at it, you might too. :-)
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