Overeating and Self-Sabotage. I Hate It.


11/22/2014 7:49AM
Adrienne, I'm sooo sorry to hear that you're having a tough time!!! Please don't be sooo hard on yourself!!! We're all in this struggle trying to change our overeating/bingeing habits, & it takes time. We didn't learn our bad habits overnight, & we're not gonna master new habits overnight either. Please take it one day at a time!!! Like Chrissy said: It's a process. No matter what, always remember that we may slip & fall along the way, but the most important thing we can do is pick ourselves up & try, try, try again!!! Quitting is DEFINITELY NOT AN OPTION!!! I know you're not a quitter; I'm just saying..... :-)

Keep your head up mamacita, & hang in there!!! We're hear for you!!! :-)

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