Struggling-- and a Declaration Of Intent!

Sally W.

11/30/2014 4:09AM
Serial betting - one ends every 10 days. That keeps me watching the scales! Weigh every morning. Adjust the amount you eat if you aren't losing fast enough. Please read that last sentence again as it is the KEY. I simply don't snack but make sure my breakfast and dinner are satisfying (lunch I make as light as I can). To lose weight you need to be feeling hungry (but not dangerously so!) for a considerable portion of each day. Yes, it's tough but think of the satisfaction and the cash when you win! It's damp and chilly here, too and I know it makes it harder. Try some music and dance to raise mood.

Tiffany D. and tigerbee like this comment.

Tiffany D.

Love the suggestion to dance! I have also found that my fitbit is motivating me to move even if its just a bit more each day.

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