Today i weighed in for the end of Diet Bet Round 2. My goal was 153.6, but my actual weight was 158.2 - one pound higher than last month's weigh in.

What happened? Life. Holidays. Eating out. Mom's baking. I got through Christmas very well, weighing in at 156.8 on December 29. After New Year my resolve faltered. Mom started baking cookies and cakes and I started eating them! We went out to eat often and I stopped ordering from the light menu. I went back to work and found it difficult to get to the gym. The end result was a January 7 weigh in of 160.6. It took effort just to get to today's weight!

What are my options now?
I could choose to look at this as a failure. I could choose to tell myself I'll never catch up, I'll lose the money I put in, I'll never lose the weight. If I believe those thoughts, they will become true.

Or, I could choose to move forward from where I am. I could celebrate the fact that I enjoyed the Holidays while gaining one pound instead of the eight I typically gain. I could realize that I'm not usually surrounded by piles of homemade cookies and cakes, and that I don't usually eat out at buffets and pancake houses! I could remind myself that I still have four months to lose a little more than 11 pounds.

Guess which option I'll choose?

The house is stocked with fresh produce, lentils, whole grains, and organic eggs. Mom's cookies are safely in the freezer. I cooked a double batch of spinach-packed Chicken Saagwala (my favorite Weight Watchers recipe ever), portioned it out, and put it in the freezer. Today I'm making a huge pot of Creamy Thai Lentils & Sweet Potatoes. I'm two weeks into Jillian Michaels' Body Revolution.

Yes, I failed this round - but I intend to win the game!