I realized that we've passed the halfway point on our dietbet game & decided to post a blog update.

Journal Date Sept 9, 2014: Weight 178 lbs

Journal Date Feb 13, 2015: Weight 157 lbs


  • Alcohol - I don't miss beer at all.  Everytime I see someone drinking beer, I imagine they are drinking a glass of lard.   It totally works.. haha.  On special occasions I will treat myself to a glass of a red or white wine.
  • Processed/Sugary food - If I can't pronounce the ingredients on the box label, it's not good for me and I don't want it.
  • White flour - Multigrain or Whole wheat is the (bread)winner.
  • Going out to eat - If I do, I'll go to the restaurant's website, usually they'll have their menu posted and I can start pre-planning what I'm going to order that is healthiest.  Typically the serving size is huge, so I'll ask for a "to-go" box in advance and cut the portion in half.  Out of sight, out of mind/tummy. 


What helps:

  • Writing in my journal everyday - it's also a great way to destress http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/02/13/5-ways-keeping-a-journal-_n_2671735.html
  • Fitness Pal - the phone app makes it way too easy to count calories
  • Reading everyone's posts on our dietbet game (the Testimonials on here are great too) and motivational quotes on Pinterest.
  • Using measuring cups - so I don't go overboard on the serving size.


I've not yet won a round in this game but I feel like I'm on the right path to win as long as I keep at it!