3 days into my diet bet I was down 3lbs already and felt so happy and proud! I am really having a hard time battling this sweet tooth though. Since having my daughter, all i seem to want is sweets sweets and more sweets. I am eating SO good but do admit that on 3 seperate ocassions in less than a week ive had a bit of sweets. I limited myself and only ate half a cookie rather than the 5 i normally would, only ate 1 tootsie roll rather than the peanut butter cup that I wanted (and likely would have had tons more candy) and lastly, I treated myself to frozen yogurt last night. I did get the plain "light" frozen yogurt with a tad bit of raspberry sauce and a few sprinkles of my favorite candy. Im feeling guilty. Although im down in weight, I cant stop feeling like I gave in but then theres another part of me saying "you've done this many times before..when you cut it out completely that never worked, you always gave up or would binge eat". Im seriously going through sugar withdraws I think, if thats a thing! I hate feeling this weak when it comes to food...I just need to remind myself that Im human. I made this commitment for my family, and most of all myself. I cant say im going to go through life without sweets, or without carbs or this or that. I need to find my happy medium and eat whatever I want in moderation. Im not going to give up because I ate a frozen yogurt, half a cookie and 1 tootsie roll this week.
Posted on February 23, 2015
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Sign in to CommentSeriously, don't put yourself down for it. 1) I believe that sugar withdrawal is definitely a thing. 2) If we visualize our diet as something black and white, good or bad then we face disappointing ourselves for simply having a piece of candy! One piece of candy will not destroy all of our hard work. We want to find a balance!I was just like you before. I'd tell myself that I was cheating and that I would never be successful in weight loss because I couldn't even get myself to stop eating sweets (chocolate is my kryptonite lol). But you know what? I know I'm eating well. I know I'm exercising. Having a piece of chocolate should not ruin that for me! Last but not least I remind myself that I am human. I'm not a machine. I can't just turn off my sweet tooth (unfortunately) So we have to learn to live with it day by day, in the little decisions that we make. I applaud you for sticking to just eating a small amount. That might be harder than not eating it at all. I'm rooting for you!
Atta girl! Don't you give up! Show those sweets who's in control and keep them at bay by having a nibble, not the whole package. You're right. Going cold turkey and vowing never to eat sweets again is a recipe for disaster. Maybe prepackage half a cookie or candy and leave it for the end of the day (3 x /week?) so you know you have it coming? Play mind games with yourself and come here for support. You're doing a great job so far!