Seriously, don't put yourself down for it. 1) I believe that sugar withdrawal is definitely a thing. 2) If we visualize our diet as something black and white, good or bad then we face disappointing ourselves for simply having a piece of candy! One piece of candy will not destroy all of our hard work. We want to find a balance!I was just like you before. I'd tell myself that I was cheating and that I would never be successful in weight loss because I couldn't even get myself to stop eating sweets (chocolate is my kryptonite lol). But you know what? I know I'm eating well. I know I'm exercising. Having a piece of chocolate should not ruin that for me! Last but not least I remind myself that I am human. I'm not a machine. I can't just turn off my sweet tooth (unfortunately) So we have to learn to live with it day by day, in the little decisions that we make. I applaud you for sticking to just eating a small amount. That might be harder than not eating it at all. I'm rooting for you!