The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus...

Lose 4% in 4 weeks!

The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus!

Jul 15 - Aug 11/Game has ended
Hosted by Referee Nancy
Join another game







Jul 15



Join this Kickstarter game to lose 4% in 4 weeks. Plus, we've added a $500 bonus to the pot! Hosted by WayBetter's very own Ref Nancy! Let's do this!



Game Begins

Jul 15

Last Day to Join

Jul 28

Final Weigh-In

Aug 12 - Aug 13


Bet $40

to start

Lose 4%

in 4 weeks


Split the pot

How do you verify the weight loss?

For all official weigh-ins, you'll be prompted to submit your official starting weight. Our standard weigh-in process involves you submitting 2 photos: one of you standing on a scale in lightweight clothing (no shoes, hats, belts, watches, coats, or outerwear), and another of the scale’s readout with your weigh-in word written on a piece of paper.

What you'll need

  • A scale (preferably digital)
  • A digital camera or smartphone
  • A full-length mirror or someone to take your photo
  1. Privacy FAQ +
  2. How we prevent cheating +

Does this actually work?

Out of 1,039,224 DietBetters, 93.54% have lost weight during their challenges. Combined, they've lost 19,679,984 lbs and won $101,121,996. In other words...yes.

All results shown on DietBet are from actual users. Individual results may vary.

Don't take our word for it

Carmey M.

08/12/2024 4:26AM
Hey guys! So wishing you guys luck on your weigh out days! Also it is my first challenge(started at 233 pounds and to win I was supposed to get down to 224.3.) Without clothes on I was 223.0 BUT i realized that my phone weighs like a pound! Just food for thought there so Im definitely adjusting for that going forward....still made it BUT just barely!

Megan M. , Grace R. and like this comment.

Brooke H.


Laura K.

I used to think the same thing, but then I read someone's tip to first get on the scale without your phone but keep your phone near, so once your weight is stabilized on the scale, quickly pick up your phone and then take the picture. Maybe that will help you in the future somehow!

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