
I am overcoming an injury and need to get back into shape!

Quick Facts

Favorite Health Food: Kale

Favorite Sinful Food: Chocolate

My Preferred Method of Exercise: Bodypump, Yoga, Walking

My Approach to Weight Loss: Stay active and eat healthy

My Weight Loss Program: I don't follow a program

My Diet Plan: Vegan Diet

Fitness/Exercise Apps: MyFitnessPal

Fitness Devices: FitBit

DietBet Games

Friends (7)

TIME PERIOD: All 1-Year 60-Days 30-Days
GOAL WEIGHTSun 05 OctMon 23 MayTue 09 JanWed 28 AugThu 15 AprFri 02 DecSat 20 Jul
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-0.3% Since last weigh-in
0% 1-Month Change
-1.3% Lifetime Change

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02/10/2014 3:14PM
Hi Tracy! Happy Monday! TGIM! (Thank God it's Monday!)
My weekend was decent. I went crazy on my cheat day yesterday. The food was so good but I think all the sodium made me bloat up!
Great initiative to pick up the DVD. Lots of jumping around but keep in mind you can modify the moves. Don't have to do a move and feel the pain. Don't suggest that.
Two more weeks until final weigh in. It's go time. I'm bumping it up a few notches. It's going to be a challenge but we have to do this.
We're you thinking of doing the other challenges? I'm thinking of doing the transformer from Feb to July.


Hi Lizzy, I didn't realize it has been more than a week since I replied back to you! Sorry about that. I haven't been doing as well with the challenge as I hoped. But I still have a few days left to pull it together I think, it's going to be close though. I am not sure that I am going to sign up for another bet. I think once I finish this one I will have a better idea of what I am up for next. Hope your week is going well!


02/07/2014 10:22AM
I hear you on the more energy part!
Yes tell me how it goes!
Have a great weekend. Remember to relax and unwind. Smile. :)


02/07/2014 7:42AM
Yes! I definitely recommend you get her 30 day shred. I will take a picture of the cover. It's the one I started doing and going to stick with the next 30 days. Would be fun if we did it at the same time and gave eachother incentive. What do you think?
Ouch. Sounds rough about the ankle. I had chronic knee pain for years and this is the first year I'm not feeling. Think I can contribute it to something I started taking a few months ago. Let me know if you're interested. I feel anything is worth trying so you can get going pain free!
My weekend is looking alright. Working during the day and going out at night on Saturday and Sunday. Tonight I want to try and go to the gym after work but might have forgotten my sneaks. Yikes!
Saturday a birthday and Sunday a double date at a yummy Greek spot here in Toronto. Best calamari. But I know you're vegan. That's gotta be rough. I was vegan 4 months. Gained lbs.
What do you have going on the weekend?


Okay, I will pick it up tonight after work. I will give it a go tomorrow and let you know how it is. I used to like calamari! I don't really miss meat though and I haven't lost any weight or gained any weight since making the switch. But I do feel much healthier and have more energy. I don't have much going on this weekend, just catching up on exercise, housework and my little shop on Etsy. Hopefully I can work in some relaxation somewhere! Have a great weekend!


02/06/2014 3:30PM
Nice! Dream big. I always found visualization with a weightloss or weight management program most effective.
My goal is to lost 35lbs by October 2014.. My 30th is just around the corner and I want to be in the best shape and look back and say I earned it with the hard work and discipline.
I am doing a couple programs. 1 that is helping me with my eating regimen --all natural which is what I'm about and also going to the gym where I have picked up Muay Thai and also pulling myself out of bed early to do workout videos by my fav: Jillian Michaels!
Aww.. I'm sorry about your accident. Does it still hurt? If you don't mind some advice your new online friend-- lay off your ankle and any heavy pressure to it i.e. jogging, running, or kicking until you're completely healed. Then you can go back to it full force! You don't want to keep the pain consistently there by not allowing your body to heal completely.
I recommend Jillian Michaels 3-2-1 program. It's challenging and she's wicked cool!


Muay Thai sounds like fun! I have quite a collection of workout videos but I am just not a fan of Jillian Michaels. I have an old one from before she blew up. Maybe I should buy a newer one? My coworker loves her videos too. I have a set I bought of Bob's and I love them! Right now I am doing body pump at home and hope to start T25 soon, I purchased before I broke my ankle and never really got to use it. I am taking it easy with my ankle and it does still hurt, but it's the kind of hurt that I can tell is going to be here for a while. I follow a mostly vegan diet and try to eat as much whole foods as possible. But I must admit since breaking my ankle I have had a real sweet tooth! I am getting that back under control though. I plan to double up on my exerise this weekend. For some reason my weight is not budging. I feel good about plan and will power for eating this weekend too. What are your plans this weekend?


02/06/2014 7:38AM
You're doing great! Your body is adjusting and testing your will :)
There are longer challenges like the three month challenge that I think I may do next. How about you? Are you interested in upping the challenge?
What is your ideal body weight and look?


Thanks for the encouragement Lizzy! My ideal weight would be 135 lb and I would like to look sculpted and athletic? How about you? I am doing body pump for now and walking as much as I can. I broke my ankle about 2 months ago and would like to be back to jogging by spring : )