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Ref Lynette

about 3 hours ago in The DietBet Kickstarter - Double Your Winnings!
  • Happy Thursday! It's Day 4 - how is everyone doing?

    Let's chat about food - Good health begins in the kitchen, so let's all share a favorite healthy (and maybe quick and easy?) recipe!

    Egg Roll in a Bowl is definitely a weekly staple for me! So delicious and healthy! And I promise you - it's easier than it looks!

    1 lb ground pork or beef
    1 teaspoon minced garlic
    14 ounces shredded cabbage or coleslaw mix
    1/4 cup low-sodium soy sauce, or liquid aminos (see note)
    1 teaspoon ground ginger
    2 teaspoons sriracha
    1 whole egg
    1 tablespoon sesame oil
    2 tablespoons sliced green onions

    In a large skillet, brown the pork or beef until no longer pink. Add the garlic and saute for 30 seconds. Add the cabbage/coleslaw, soy sauce, ginger, and saute until desired tenderness. You can add a little water if you need more liquid to saute the coleslaw down.
    Make a well in the center of the skillet and add the egg. Scramble until done over low heat.
    Stir in sriracha. Drizzle with sesame oil and sprinkle with green onions. Add additional soy sauce and sriracha if desired.  Enjoy!

Ref Lynette

09/18/2024 1:00AM in The DietBet Kickstarter - Double Your Winnings!
  • It’s Workout Wednesday!

    Being active is one of the most important things you can do each day to maintain and improve your physical, emotional and mental health.  Try to make activity a part of your day, every day.  You’ll be amazed how good you feel!

    Find simple ways to make exercise fun and enjoyable - Try some new activities to keep your interest alive.  How about a game of frisbee?  YouTube walking videos?  A barre or Pilates class?

    Find ways to fit exercise into your day – make it convenient for you!  If you don’t have 30 minutes to be active, look for three 10-minute periods. As you progress, add more 10-minute sessions until you hit your goal!

    Make exercise a social activity – an “exercise buddy” might just be what you need!  Take a walk during lunch with coworkers.  Try a dance class — salsa, tango, square dancing — it’s up to you!

    Schedule and keep track of your daily physical activity and exercise progress – It’s the best way to stay motivated!Let’s get moving - What are you up to today? 

    *Members!  Don’t forget to submit your Progress Weigh-In for extra accountability and to be entered into the weekly prize drawing!

Kathryn O. and Kristen like this photo.

Ref Lynette

09/16/2024 1:00AM in The DietBet Kickstarter - Double Your Winnings!
  • Happy Monday! Welcome to Day 1 of the game!
    I know everyone is ready to smash their goals – let’s do this!

    My name is Lynette and I’m excited to be your host for this game! I’m here to answer your questions and to provide ideas, motivation and encouragement to help you achieve your goal. Please take a moment to introduce yourself and let me know what you need to be victorious. Don't be shy - we all play a role in making this game a success!

    Now is the time to take a few minutes to set some personal goals. Will you drink more water? Schedule your workouts? Track your meals? The key to success is having a SOLID PLAN in place. Studies show that putting it in writing increases the chances for following through. (Personally, if I don’t write it down, I forget it and then it doesn’t get done!)

    Plan your meals - Write down what you're having each day and have the ingredients on hand. Or do some meal prep! There’ll be no need to go out or grab something quick that may not be as healthy.

    Plan your workouts - Treat them like work and show up even if you don't want to go. You are the boss and you need to be tough on yourself. Trust me, you'll always be glad you did!

    Track your water intake - Water is essential and we have to drink it! For some of us it comes naturally but for others, it's a chore. Find a way that helps you enjoy it and make it happen!

    Track your food - It's easy to forget about those little "grabs" we do when we see snacks on the table. This will keep it real.

    Get enough sleep - Getting adequate, quality sleep is an important part of a healthy weight loss plan.

    Have fun and relax – Self-care is super important, too!

    Is your plan in place? What are some of your goals and what is your plan to make sure you accomplish those goals? Let’s do this!

Stacy s. , Kathryn O. and like this photo.

Aubrey B.

Hi! This is Aubrey, and I'm here because I really need the extra motivation to slim down again after having 5 kids. They are all still young, and I homeschool, so finding time to exercise is difficult, but I want to start feeling confident in my own skin again.
My biggest downfalls are snacking late at night and portion control. I'd love any recommendations and suggestions and am excited to hear some tips from others. Good luck everyone!

Ref Lynette

Hi Aubrey and welcome!
Ahhh yes.. late night snacking and portion control... you're definitely not alone in these struggles!  Is the late night snacking due to stress or boredom? Often, first identifying the triggers can help with coming up with solutions! You'll also want to make sure you're drinking enough water and eating some protein with every meal.  You won't be as hungry late night.  How about "closing the kitchen" at a specific time?  I try not to go into the pantry or fridge after 8pm.  Regarding the portion control,  I like to trick my brain by using a smaller plate and fork.   It works for me!  I'd love to hear what works for others!

Joanna P.

09/16/2024 12:48AM in The DietBet Kickstarter - Double Your Winnings!
Always lose the weight take a ‘break’ and gain it back think I will keep one on the go always from now on this one is for a short break away in oct, plan is to count calories and go sober! We got this!

Kathryn O. , Deka N. and like this comment.

Ref Lynette

Hi there! Sounds like you've got some great ideas! You got this!

Bianka D.

09/12/2024 7:27AM in The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus!
Belle arnaque, 500$ de bonus ... il est passé où?

Ref Lynette

My apologies for any confusion! The $500 was added to the total amount players pledged.  DietBet then takes the 25% from that number.   Because this game was unusual in that it had so many winners (YAY!), we ending up taking a lesser percentage so that the winners received their initial game pledge.  Although you may not have earned a few extra dollars, I'm hoping you'll still consider losing the weight for free a big victory! 

cesar s.

DietBet has this same response after every one of these games, always the same story. No one ever wins anything and if they do it's never more than $1-2 at the end of it all. Looks like DietBet always wins

Ref Lynette

09/12/2024 6:30AM in The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus!
  • Congratulations everyone!
    A combined total of 1,802 pounds were lost in this game – that is AMAZING!
    I hope you are all so proud of each other and are celebrating your wins – maybe it’s that you reached a weight you haven’t seen in a while, you were consistent in tracking your food, or that your clothes are fitting better!
    The bottom line is that you made the commitment to improving your health and the community, the support and the accountability here has kept so many of you focused in achieving your goals!  Again, I want to sincerely thank you all for making that choice!


09/10/2024 4:45PM in The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus!
Im so grateful for this app because is has held me accountable multiple times and I have been able to loose a bit of weight 💪

Kathryn M. , Deka N. , tini405 and Ref Lynette like this comment.

Ref Lynette

We love hearing that you've been successful using the app! Way to go!

Lyndsey S.

09/10/2024 9:44AM in The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus!
Yesterday was my husband’s birthday and woke up .2lbs over after eating cake with the kids. Stuck to the plan and drank water, ate light and today I was .7 under! Yay. Thank god for that 48 hour window.

tini405 , Jennifer B and Ref Lynette like this comment.

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Jennifer B

Congrats and 100%—I was 0.4 over yesterday, minded my P’s and Q’s and was 0.1 under today—I made it, barely but yes, thank goodness for the 48 hour window!

Ref Lynette

Jennifer- You did it! Nice job :)

Michelle W.

09/09/2024 5:55AM in The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus!
  • Woohoo!!!! Made it by 200g!!!! Now, point me towards my next challenge!!! 🎉????

Jennifer B , Kathryn M. , Ref Lynette and NadyaG like this photo.

Ref Lynette

Woo hoo!!! Your efforts are paying off! :blush:
If you're talking DietBet challenge, I'd love to see you in my next Kickstarter game starting 9/16. Hope to see you there!


09/09/2024 4:02AM in The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus!
Barely made it!

tini405 , Jennifer B , Kathryn M. , NadyaG and Ref Lynette like this comment.

Ref Lynette

A win is a win! Excellent job!
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