Chad C.

Quick Facts

DietBet Winnings: $41.24

Recent Photos

TIME PERIOD: All 1-Year 60-Days 30-Days
Unofficial Weigh-InVerified Weigh-InDietBet Runner-UpDietBet WinnerRound WinnerRound Runner-Up
+18.9% Since last weigh-in+37.8 lbs
0% 1-Month Change0 lbs
+10.4% Lifetime Change+22.4 lbs

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03/01/2015 10:26AM
Don't Quit Dietbet! Even though you're building muscle the fat will still drop off and the numbers will drop on the scale again. It sucks you are going to lose this one and lose your money....but you may lose your motivation if you quit. I'm worried! Think about it some more....

Adina B.

02/07/2015 5:55PM
Congrats on your win and weight loss! Awesome! Good luck with this second one!


02/04/2015 4:03PM
congrats on your win for the Powell game. looks like we're in obesetobeast now, too! good luck! btw, you look so much like my old boss who's name is chad c. did you use to live in northern CA?

Chad C.

No.... i wish i was a boss lol but im 23 born and raised in sc. And congrats to you as well!!! Im doing o2b and a transformer game too. follow me on instagram @cdcudd21 id love to follow your progress!!!


02/03/2015 7:29PM
Okay! I added yah! P.S. that yogurt sundae looks intense!

Chad C.

I figured out how to reply lol


02/03/2015 7:04PM
Chad-I've got your back! You're so doing this!!!!! It's time to take your life back!!! Keep in touch!!!