Mathilda K.

To look better, to feel better.

Quick Facts

Favorite Health Food: skyr and almonds

Favorite Sinful Food: nutella

My Preferred Method of Exercise: gym

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Jenn and Kandice

09/12/2024 11:05PM in $200 in BONUS PRIZES! SEPTEMBER 12th GAME!
  • We are off to a great start!!!

    Friday is the last day of our Water Challenge! Please click on (comment) under this post if you complete the challenge and report in there! You have until Saturday 10:00 PM Pacific Time to report in. We will have our drawing shortly after that for the $10 cash prize!

    *Challenge reminder: Drink at least 64 oz. of water a day, Thursday and Friday!

Darlene S. , Elizabeth G., Lisa F. , Plmbtom and Jamie S. like this photo.

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Zachary B.

Done! :)



Jenn and Kandice

09/11/2024 10:56PM in $200 in BONUS PRIZES! SEPTEMBER 12th GAME!
  • Welcome everyone, I'm so happy you're here! My name is Jenn, I'll be your host! Kandice is my sister and co-host.

    I like to do weekly challenges as part of our game, it helps to keep the game more interactive and motivating. You don't have to be a member to win a weekly challenge. (Optional of course)

    The first challenge is: The Water Challenge!

    Here is the challenge if you want to participate:
    Drink at least 64 oz. of water a day, Thursday and Friday! (September 12th and September 13th)

    Starting on Friday there will be a post here, at the top of the game feed, for you to comment under if you completed the challenge. The deadline to report in is Saturday 10:00 PM Pacific Time. The prize drawing will be held on Saturday shortly after that, for the $10 cash prize. Each week the prize amount goes up!

    And one suggestion, but not part of the challenge: Please introduce yourself and share your goals! Let us know where you are on your weight loss/fitness journey, and what your short/long term goals are! Just for fun let us know where you are from. I live in Utah.

    Let's get going!!!

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Kathryn M.

Hi! I’m Katie, and I’m a 32 year old stay at home mom to 2 kids under 2 & a doggo. I’m also in West Virginia :) I’m a healthy (but not ideal) weight pre-pregnancy but gained 65lbs each time. This app was helpful to lose it all with my first pregnancy. I’m 12 weeks postpartum, have lost 40lbs so far (including weight loss from giving birth), and just finished a kickstarter that I won! Let’s goooooo!!

Secondary challenge: find a water bottle that’s not being used to mix formula, stolen by my toddler to practice pouring water, or somewhere in my husband’s truck lol

Mathilda K.

I'm Mathilda and I'm 26. I live in France
I've been going to the gym since June and want to get muscular. This is in process but i still have some fat I want to get rid of ans that's why I'm here!
It's my first game and it looks like fun. :)