Hey, there, Winnie! I hope you are doing really well. There has been a lot of drama in my life recently - I ended up in the hospital this past weekend with a bad infection and a bad flare-up of my asthma. My lungs were filled with mucus and I could hardly breathe. They brought out the big guns - IV steroids and antibiotics. After two days they sent me home, and I was still struggling, but it wasn't so scary. After a few days at home I realized that something still wasn't right, and I tied it to a tooth extraction I had a week ago Thursday. So I got an emergency appointment at the oral surgeons yesterday, Friday, and just as I suspected, there was still foreign matter under the gum where the tooth was taken out. The surgeon removed that, and it has been like a miracle cure - gum swelling and pain is all gone now. I am still struggling with my breathing, but I'm taking all my meds and getting by. My mood is a lot better now, too, now that I have gotten such relief in my mouth!