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03/04/2025 4:59AM in Goal Crusher Transformer - Win a $500 Nike Gift Card
1/2 a pound from goal 2? Fingers crossed my Dad's surgery on Thursday doesn't spiral the emotional eating too much this week. Trying to stay busy and prep meals ahead!

Nikki T. , Penny G. and Lisa Q. like this comment.

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Allison B.

Agree completely with Mackenzie H - Hope all went well with your Dad and quick short walks will help. Take care!


Thanks all he is home recovering now and I managed to lose this week! Things are looking up.

Penny G.

02/18/2025 3:45PM in Goal Crusher Transformer - Win a $500 Nike Gift Card
What are your favorite foods to pack for lunches? I crave hot food this time of year (so not really packing salads).

Viki and Nikki T. like this comment.

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Mackenzie H.

Not sure where you live but blue zone kitchen came out with freezer meals that have amazing ingredients and taste incredible! Just add some more protein like chicken or tofu or something

Kristine S.

I’m Vietnamese and I do a lot of veggie soups called “canh”, where there is some sort of protein, but the star is usually a vegetable

momma of eight

02/05/2025 1:58AM in Goal Crusher Transformer - Win a $500 Nike Gift Card
I hardly see anyone saying anything. Where do we go to talk?

Penny G. , Nikki T. , Viki and Mackenzie H. like this comment.

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Nikki T.

I’m all about the group support and chatting! Great job to everyone who’s making progress towards their goal! :muscle:

momma of eight

I’m in! I needing lots of help! I’m gaining. I have had a big appetite since I’ve started :neutral_face::neutral_face::neutral_face:

Mackenzie H.

01/21/2025 5:42AM in Goal Crusher Transformer - Win a $500 Nike Gift Card
I was going back and forth on if I should do a 1 month or the 6 and mistakenly hit the 6 month one before I officially decided….guess I was meant to do this one! I’m taking it as a sign that this is what I need most even though it’s intimidating! Taking it a day/month at a time!

Penny G. , Sandy , Viki , Nikki T. and Coloradogal like this comment.

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Lisa Q.

Ohno! Hopefully this helps you stay motivated.

Allison B.

I joined this one and a one month one hoping the one month one if I concentrate on that goal will help me attain this goal