Eat. Drink & be Skinny!

1,359 members $418,203.26 won 5,556.6 lbs

A challenge that I look forward to
by - 05/13/2015 2:45PM

I figured the best way to honor my mother would be join a challenge where I can be in the midst of o... Read More ›

Start Of The Game
by - 04/15/2015 10:43PM

I just joined the DietBet game mainly because I want to start running and getting in shape for the s... Read More ›

First Food, Now Exercise
by - 06/08/2015 6:05AM

I hate exercising. Ok that's a lie... I lack all motivation to start, but once I am doing it, I do e... Read More ›

Prayer Twist Warm Up before shedding a few lbs with KempoX.
by - 05/04/2015 1:29PM

Gotta Crack!   Read More ›

Melting Fat Away with the Fast Diet-lost more than 4% BW in two week
by - 05/15/2015 6:51AM

Just before I started this contest a friend was telling me about the success he had had with the 5/2... Read More ›

Day 13... drama
by - 03/03/2015 11:35AM

Hey hey,     Yesterday was a really long day and ended with me fainting in public (cringe), so here ... Read More ›

Moxie Morsel 6-5-16
by - 06/06/2016 11:57AM

Moxie Morsel...took a long road trip on Sunday. I knew we were going, but didn't plan - before we kn... Read More ›