Healthy Eating Tips

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Coach J.

02/22/2018 2:57PM
  • Hi guys! I don't know about you, but I love milkshakes so much that I had to find a healthy way to be able to enjoy them every day. Here's what I came up with:

    1/2 avocado
    1 banana
    1 cup of milk
    1-2 scoops of protein powder
    2 tbsp cacao
    1 tbsp cinnamon
    + blended w/a few ice cubes

    You can find recipes like this on my very first Kickstarter here: or on my Instagram @healthyreimagined!

    What's a typically unhealthy meal that you've recreated?!

Eva Maria, Chalaa and Lovey like this photo.


That looks so delicious! I do something similar, but leave out the avo, use frozen bananas and almond milk & no ice. It is sooo good!