Plantar Fasciitis Support

29 members $13,917.21 won 112.9 lbs


05/16/2018 8:35AM
Just a reminder that y'all are welcome to talk and swap techniques that work for you - or vent. This is here for you - and it is only as good as we make it!
I've been pain free for years now, which is fantastic. I hope you can all feel relief, and if you do get to that point, please share what worked for you with the group!


10/18/2017 10:24AM
Our game has just started Its called "Scrambled Legs & Achin'" Come join us bet $20 and get that 4% off in 4 weeks!! You still have plenty of time to join a supportive, motivational game with some amazing people! We are 4 months strong and not stopping there! 4% is enough to push yourself in the right direction and get that weightloss journey on a downward slope as in the weight going down!!!! We have prizes!!!!!!!! I love motivating and want to make the game more fun and personal and motivating...Invite your friends!!


04/18/2017 2:21PM
Hi new members! Feel free to post - lots of good listeners here.

Biking Syl likes this comment.


03/14/2017 6:10AM
I'm happy to find this group, just finished my first Diet Bet, and I love all posts, encouragement, and community. Yes, my feet hurt too, so I'm choosing the weight loss method. I've tried supplements, radio frequency (from a Dr in Salt Lake City), quitting coffee, quitting gluten..... now to the obvious, get rid of the menopause 15! Kate M

Biking Syl and Pen like this comment.


So glad you found us! Although I found a treatment that worked, I'm not going to lie, getting the extra weight off has helped as well. Diet is super important!

Biking Syl

Hi there! For me, too much weight and overloading the feet in my past job are probably the main culprits. Need to get my weight down and continue stretching the back of my legs.


01/12/2017 7:54AM
I noticed that there are 11 members here now! I hope that y'all will share what has worked (and what hasn't) and that we can help each other. Please don't be shy!

Connie W.

01/09/2017 12:34AM
I have plantar fasciitis which makes it hard to walk sometimes. In fact it's hard to do a lot of exercises when you can't be on your feet. I'm hoping through proper nutrition I can lose a lot of my weight which should in turn make it easier to walk. I'm hoping it will be a snowball effect!

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Hi Connie! You know, I felt like I was stuck in a vicious cycle for a while - I needed to exercise, because I knew that extra weight would aggravate my condition, but didn't feel that I could because of the pain. Now, 70 lbs lighter, I can honestly say that the best thing I did for myself (besides finding a treatment that worked for me) was losing the weight. It is SO rare now that my foot hurts, I've almost forgotten that it is something I need to be concerned about. But - I haven't forgotten. Those of us who suffer need to be diligent about taking care of our feet - wear good shoes! I threw out all of my heels. I have essentially three pairs of shoes that I wear now - my good running shoes, my flats for work, and a pair of boots. My shoe closet is decidedly empty. :) But I'll take that over the pain any day. I hope you find something that works for you - and that you meet your weight loss goals - it really does help.


11/22/2016 11:16AM
My mom has plantar fasciitis as well - and she says that rolling her foot along the floor with a frozen water bottle helps her... she also says that two inch heals help her. I told her about the cold laser therapy that I received, and her doctor told her that it was quackery. She got steroid shots in her foot instead, but said that it didn't really help. I'm terrified of needles, so I was always unwilling to go the injection route.

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Biking Syl

LOL, steroids might be good for some people, but I also remember painful shots in my knee, which did not help at all. Then again, if it had worked, it would have been so worth the quick pain for the shot.

Biking Syl

11/20/2016 1:50PM
Hi there, so glad I found this group! Have been fighting plantar fasciitis for about 2 years now. I found that surprisingly enough, stretching the entire back of my legs several times each day made the biggest difference. That and wearing an ankle brace every night, keeping my ankles at a right angle without feet flopping down, so the calves/soles of my feet stayed stretched. I subscribe to the theory that otherwise they start healing the shortened position, tearing back up with the first steps of the day. I also tried magnesium supplements, hot baths, plenty of things. Curious to hear what you all tried and how it worked out for you.

Pen likes this comment.


11/17/2016 8:40AM
About two years ago I started having heel pain. I thought that I'd somehow managed to break or fracture my heel. Turns out, I have plantar fasciitis. It got to the point that I could barely walk. This was soul crushing for me, as I was very active (walking to work, running events, hiking). I wallowed in my misery for a while, and sought help when I could barely walk. I tried physical therapy and homeopathic things, so many foot exercises, weird electric shock therapy, braces - I did this for a year and nothing brought relief. A year ago I went to a chiropractor for some neck pain after I was hit by a car, and I mentioned my plantar fasciitis. He suggested cold laser therapy, and at that point, I was willing to try anything. Bizarrely enough, it worked. After only a few sessions (like seriously, two), I could walk without pain. I went a few more times (like seriously, twice more) and haven't had any pain since. HOWEVER, I'd gained 50 lbs since my injury.

The point isn't to promote cold laser - but that if you're experiencing pain, try everything. Keep an open mind. Something will work. Keep at it. Don't give up. What worked for me might not work for you, as we're all different.

I've lost 65 lbs since March, and I'm still going. I'm rapidly approaching my weight in high school when I was a competitive athlete. I never thought that would happen in my late-thirties. I'm training for my first triathlon - never thought I'd say that a year and a half ago when I couldn't walk.

Seek help. There's an answer out there for you. Listen to your body - if you know something isn't working, stop and try something else.

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True story! I was so frustrated because I'd been walking to work (5 miles round trip) and when I could barely walk, I wasn't getting exercise. I gained so much weight, and didn't really feel that there was anything I could do. I was super depressed about it for a long time. Luckily I have a significant other who prodded me into trying other treatments. I'm so not a fan of doctors.

Biking Syl

LOL! Yup docs can be super annoying, especially when they are in the dark about what to do! Great day to be thankful for the fact that persistence pays off, if you search for information long enough!!