Losing Inches Gaining Ounces?


06/17/2015 11:11AM
Louise, If you are getting your tuna packed in water I am not sure how high the salt is but you should be good with leaving it in your diet, just maybe twice a week rather than say four. I know it sucks to watch your weight climb as you come into the final days of a bet but you have this!! I know you can do it!! Now just as a thought, try adding in some weight training, it will up the calorie burn and help to build more lean muscle mass which will burn more calories even while you are sleeping. I cant believe you are walking over 16,000 steps a day!! wow you are a rock star!! I am averaging about 12,000 to 13,000 depending on the day you go girl!! you will rock the next 12 days!! oh and a side note I broke through the middle number today and made my goal for fitbit, add in a new goal to keep going with this.

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I know right! and let me tell you... the first week was fine and easy... so much excitement... week 2 - not so much - entering the CHALLENGE phase! I am in that beta test (pay to play? really?) and it looks like 1/4 are out just because the consistency isn't as easy as people thought! IN FACT I am way down for this time of day!THANK YOU FOR JOINING MY DIET BET GAME in July!here's my link for passers by: https://www.dietbet.com/games/68494/activityWhat is the link to your game again?


my game link is http://diet.bt/fdAKz1, lets do this!! making July smokin' hot!! the girls are back in town!!!!

Games played


Weight lost

-49.5 lbs



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