
01/06/2017 10:56PM
Hi Daisy! I do incline walk often as a steady cardio and it is efficient! Any amount of moving is moving - don't under-estimate your effort!I walk my dog in woods with weighed west and love it. It turns regular walks into good cardio :).I used it also on treadmill - but this is most for training for the bigger hikes - to be able to carry 10kg on my back, so I tend to do it for couple of months before, not regularly.Love mountains - I hike most of the time. Even though I'm from Norway, I haven't yet to ski or snowshoeing. Sounds fun :). My Saturday will be spent on mountain as well (not that high so I can enjoy some snow, but still - a good hike is a good way to spend free day).Have a blast today and pic's are mandatory :DPS: your choices on series to enjoy are very good ones ;)

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Thanks for the reply! We had fun today for a few hours up in the snow! Ended up just hiking a bit around in it

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