I'm vegan and I know I get enough protein. Here is why:
1) I eat food! The only way you can be protein deficient is if you do not eat. Most food have protein.
2) I eat high carb foods like potatoes, rice, beans, fruits, nuts.. All of these have a lot of protein! and they fuel the brain and body. I have more energy than you can imagine.
4) Seeds are my friends... I add chia, hemp and flax seeds to my smoothie most mornings. It provides an extra boost of protein on my gym days and it helps with omega 3's.
5) Quinoa... is probably the best grain ever with crazy amounts of nutrition and protein!
6) Tempeh... has the textrue of meat, if that's what you're looking for.
7) Eat unlimited calories!... for each 100 calories, you get more nutrition, protein and a whole lot of wonderful things. for example:
>>>>>100 Calories in broccoli gets you 11.2g of protein.
>>>>>100 Calories in Steak gets you 5.4g of protein.
8) Eat more broccoli... see image :)
9) Blood work... I had my blood work done earlier this year and I'm pretty sure my doctor is now vegan
10) I feel amazing, but I think that was mainly due to getting rid of dairy/cheese. That stuff is poison.