I have begun eating salads when Mom and I are out and on the town. Alas, When I was home, I had allowed myself to become a bit more sedentary than I should. I had tried to be my mother's coach/motivator. That was not working for her or me. Instead of helping us, it has brought me down. When she was not seeing good results, se chose to throw in the towel and resign to the idea that she simply can not lose weight. I will not do that. I am going to reach my goal! Not to mention I am not going to give you my money.


I can not do this alone. Though we only see one another here on line virtually, you play a huge roll in my weight loss success. You did not forget, I did. I do not intend to do that again.

There are still things I must do at school and at home. But I must also do some things for me and losing these unwanted pounds is one of these things. With your help, I can do it.

Thank you!