Yesterday started out fine. I packed my standard Wednesday lunch with lots of healthy snacks. I have two meetings on Wednesdays, one of which I have to drive for about an hour to get to. By the time I got home, I was done. I was emotionally raw and worn out. Hubs needed to work late to meet a deadline, so I was on my own for dinner. This is my big trigger.
I had enough leftovers that I could have cobbled together a healthy dinner. But why eat leftover beets when you could eat a whole bag of herbed popcorn? And those Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches that are low points? Not so low points when you eat 3 of them!
*sigh* I knew what I was doing as I put the food in my mouth. But I didn't care. I was tired, in pain, emotionally drained. So, I ate. Not the worst binge I've ever done, but that was mostly because the house is full of healthy foods like said beets, so the damage was limited. I also didn't walk - spent the whole day in the car - but I'm more okay with that as I've been doing so much the last few days my body just wasn't up for it.
So... I logged all the points. Went over for the day by about 15. I'm "okay" in that I still have flex points, but I try not to use them. The scale was only up 0.1 today, but that seems suspect to me. I'm back on program today. There's a big batch of black beans simmering away in the crock pot. And there's no ice cream or popcorn to tempt me today!