Yesterday Was Not Good


11/21/2014 8:40AM
Thanks everyone. *hug* This is my core issue. It's not going to go away in a few weeks. It's been YEARS in the making. Admitting it to you all (and Hubs, and logging it) is part of the healing I think (rather than hiding the evidence and shaming it away).

I really am okay with it. It happened. Can't take it back now. And honestly, I don't think it was any worse than the "weekly off-plan dinner." One or two indulgences are not going to derail all the other good I'm doing.

But I know it's a slippery slope - that's the behavior that got me to the weight I am. So I'm trying to look at it. Sit with the feelings around it as much as I can. Shine light on it. So I can let it go. Damn this is hard work!

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