I always start all fired up, but then I barely finish anything.
I have a complex for perfection, so it's perfect or nothing.
So because I'm a perfectionist I think not exercicing everyday while doing this diet is bad.
I don't count that I've exerciced 4 times since the diet started, I just see the days I haven't.
I tend to focus on my negative points (as seen above).
Even though I've been doing great so far without a single “fail”, I just think I eventually will.
I'm afraid of finishing this diet and gainning all the weight again. But I'm also afraid of having to diet all my life.
I still confuse dieting with eating healthy.
I miss popcorn so much!
These days I am a little bit stressed over some things at work and I'm afraid this might obstruct my diet plan.
Ok, so I've written everything I could imagine that could make me loose this bet. Now that I know, I just need to think about it, reorganize it and keep it in mind.