Travis, it was very difficult for me to read your blog because I can really relate to it! On Christmas Even in 2014, I hit some black ice, everyone was fine, but my 1 year old was screaming, so naturally, I got out to check on her. People stopped to help, asking if we were okay and then...someone screamed "Run! Truck!" I had to leave my little 1 year old in that car and run for my life, while praying for hers! The truck hit my vehicle, the concrete on the side of the overpass and then me before stopping! She saw me get hit, I saw her get hit. I hit my head on the concrete when I went down, everything was black and silent, then I opened my eyes, crawled out from under the truck that hit me and screamed for someone to please get my baby out of the vehicle before someone killed her! I saw the EMS pull up and get out a gurney and thought, oh man, someone has to go to the hospital. Little did I know, I was that someone! I wouldn't go out at night, I wouldn't drive/ride in a car! I get it!
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