Why Do I Question the Journey?

Drew R

03/23/2015 9:02AM
Hey Brit,You absolutely need a break! Losing weight is taxing on the body and mind. You have been going strong for several months and that will take its toll. The body really likes homeostasis and will do just about everything to keep it. One month or so easy weight loss and the body then says ok, 5% loss, whats happening, were dying, enough! Urges grow, fidgeting stops, water retains, hormones freak out, and the stresses of everyday life combo'd with the stress of eating less and change in general wears you thin. Eating maintenance level calories (still healthy foods) for 10 days (2100kcals or so) every 8-12 weeks goes a long way. Hormones return to normal in about 2 weeks, and the added endorphin's and lack of stress will give your mind more clarity. Then you can feel refreshed to make another push. Try going 10 lbs down, 1 week maintenance. Of course, 5 lb gain will happen, but long run better drops this way.

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Not to ramble on here, but the other thing I want to point out is that programs like Jillian's don't take into account the extreme importance of resting your muscles. So throw in some rest days - I find that adding a long walk or a lot of "steps" to my rest days can help stay on track if you don't like a complete day off, but you're still letting particular muscle groups get a break from intense stimulation. Let yourself recharge and your workouts will benefit from it.


Thanks! All great suggestions. :)

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