From DVD to Group Exercise


03/26/2015 6:40AM
Louise, I had a picture of me doing that plank move, trust me it wasn't pretty either!! Jillian has a move in her killer abs dvd that is called bear/crab walk. You basically get done on your hands and feet (like a bear) walk forward for four steps then roll over to a crab position and walk the four steps back to the starting point. I showed my aerobics instructor the other night and just about landed on my ass in the roll over. and I wasn't pretty looking either!! my shoulder of all things gave me trouble as I came over. Keep working on it you will get the move, sometimes it is more just practicing it rather than the body not being able to do it. You will enjoy the interval class, we do it twice a week. Just remember lots of water, go at your own pace (think about form rather than quantity of reps, better to have 3 slow good quality rather than 30 sloppy ones) and yes for the first night at least take advil about 30 to 45 min before the class, it does help. let me know how you do!!


haha! Thank you and I will... not stop... and I will take that advil and I will try again! ;-) You are great support and motivation! Thank you!


well you have given me a lot to work for as well. I have been there so I understand what you are going through. I know we will do this and it is worth it in the end! keep up the awesome work!!

Games played


Weight lost

-49.5 lbs



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