The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus...

Lose 4% in 4 weeks!

The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus!

Jul 15 - Aug 11/Game has ended
Hosted by Referee Nancy
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Jul 15



Join this Kickstarter game to lose 4% in 4 weeks. Plus, we've added a $500 bonus to the pot! Hosted by WayBetter's very own Ref Nancy! Let's do this!



Game Begins

Jul 15

Last Day to Join

Jul 28

Final Weigh-In

Aug 12 - Aug 13


Bet $40

to start

Lose 4%

in 4 weeks


Split the pot

How do you verify the weight loss?

For all official weigh-ins, you'll be prompted to submit your official starting weight. Our standard weigh-in process involves you submitting 2 photos: one of you standing on a scale in lightweight clothing (no shoes, hats, belts, watches, coats, or outerwear), and another of the scale’s readout with your weigh-in word written on a piece of paper.

What you'll need

  • A scale (preferably digital)
  • A digital camera or smartphone
  • A full-length mirror or someone to take your photo
  1. Privacy FAQ +
  2. How we prevent cheating +

Does this actually work?

Out of 1,039,224 DietBetters, 93.54% have lost weight during their challenges. Combined, they've lost 19,679,994 lbs and won $101,121,996. In other words...yes.

All results shown on DietBet are from actual users. Individual results may vary.

Don't take our word for it

Brayden R.

07/29/2024 4:38AM
Hey Yall! I could use a little extra push/encouragement. My grandpa passed away on Tuesday of this past week, the funeral is on Thursday this week, I fell off track just a little with my calorie intake because we were traveling back and forth by car (2 hour drive from my house) to the the hospital two days and row and after a long day in the car and at the hospital no one wants to cook so I was naughty and ate out. Ughh!! Here’s to a better week and getting back on track!!! I also have a sore throat, Minnesota has been having some ickish weather.

Betsabet H. , Referee Nancy , Adele T. and Brayden R. like this comment.

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Adele T.

First and foremost, I’m so sorry about your grandfather. :( With regards to the foods you ate… no worries. This is life and sometimes we get thrown some curveballs. Trust me when I say it won’t make or break you so keep your head held high, look ahead and get back on track. You’ve got this!!!

Referee Nancy

So sorry for your loss Brayden. I so agree with Anna and Adele. This journey is about learning how to cope with real life. We will have ups and downs. Ultimately, it's all about what we do next. The fact that you reached out is a great step in the right direction. Sending warm thoughts your way.

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