The pot is now $500
DietBet Winnings: $728.52
Apr 10-11 Fired Up February Transformer - Win A Solo Stove Firepit! - Round 2
May 21-22 Lose 6% in 3 Months
Lose 6% in 3 Months (57 days to go)
Lose 3% in 4 Weeks (Winner)
$200 in BONUS PRIZES! FEBRUARY 17th GAME! (Runner-up)
Flex Kickstarter (1 day to go)
S-h-a-u-n-a , Sharonda , DaniiDoll and Naomi D. like this accomplishment.
Marlin R. , Tisha A. , IsFrannyFitYet and Emilie T. like this accomplishment.
Sarina , Coach Jenn , Ginger C and Ryan H. like this accomplishment.
Elizabeth C. , Lisa V. , Jennifer H. and Jill W. like this accomplishment.